Wednesday 8 November 2017

Pre-school Visit - 'C' is for cupcakes

We certainly had a delicious afternoon today.  We have been learning about the letter C.  C is for cupcakes, construction, cards and clowns.  The children all decorated their own cupcake this afternoon.  While we were having turns at the decorating, the rest of the class were finishing off their cards for Grandparents Day, colouring clowns and carrying out construction with the boxes.  We have so much fun in Room 9. 😊

Grandparents Day - Friday A reminder that on Friday our day starts with a Grandparents/friends Mass at 9am.  Please bring a plate for a shared morning tea with our Grandparents. 

Sausages and juicies will be for sale on Friday for lunch.  Orders will be taken in the classroom before school as usual. The cost is $1.50 for a sausage and $1.50 for a juicy (so $3 if you want both).  A juicy is a frozen juice in a squeezable tube.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the cupcakes were a sucess!
    Zack told me about the clowns as he isn't a clown lover.. but as i told him he likes Ronald!�� Viv


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